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July 28 2020
While June Dairy Month is now in the rearview mirror, some animal rights activist organizations will remain focused on the dairy industry
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July 27 2020
No one knows the exact extent that this pandemic will affect how we go about daily life in the future, but just as with historical events in the past, it’s clear that some things will remain changed
July 24 2020
If you’ve never seen the movie The Princess Bride, keep reading, but once you’re done, go watch it
July 14 2020
Various authors and studies have likened willpower to a muscle. They have explained that it must be repeatedly practiced before it becomes stronger and the new habit second nature
July 13 2020
Farmers do what they do because they love the job, but that doesn’t mean it’s not difficult
July 3 2020
Most of us have heard stories of the Knights of the Round Table. They were characters in the legend of King Arthur’s kingdom
June 30 2020
For farmers, working with family can be an awesome blessing or one of life’s greatest challenges
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June 22 2020
In the span of just over a week, my two oldest cows both passed away. Both developed conditions that sprang up and were treated meticulously — only to no avail
June 15 2020
As humans, we often make extra food purposely, so that we have leftovers to eat the next day. That same philosophy doesn’t work for dairy cows, who need fresh feed daily
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June 8 2020
We know there are so many ways to enjoy the milk we produce — in a glass, on an ice cream cone, as a cup of yogurt, as sour cream on a burrito, or as cheese on just about anything
June 2 2020
This time of year typically involves graduation parties and family BBQs to kick off summer. Flowers are in bloom, the grass is getting green, and the corn is growing in early June in the Midwest
May 29 2020
When I was 2 years old, my parents both worked as herd managers on successful dairy farms in central New York, but then, everything changed
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May 28 2020
Food can carry quite a few labels these days. There’s grass-fed, organic, no antibiotics used, vegan, from cows not treated with rBST, clean . . . and probably at least a dozen others
May 18 2020
The concept of an agricultural spelling bee — Agribee — was started by a local Farm Bureau group in Northern California 16 years ago
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May 11 2020
“Remember that a cow is a mother, and her calf is a baby.” — W.D. Hoard
May 5 2020
The pandemic has dramatically changed life as we know it. Consumers now shop, eat, live, and work differently
April 21 2020
In my previous blog, I wrote about how animal rights activist groups are attempting to sway farmers to their side by offering resources to switch from dairy to growing crops that can be used to make plant-based...
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April 16 2020
My mom penned an open letter in response to the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on retail dairy, and her thoughtful perspective is touching and reassuring
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April 13 2020
Over the last month, all kinds of conferences, sports games, and special events have been canceled. Unfortunately, holidays and life events can’t just be put on pause
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March 24 2020
The world has changed a lot in the last week and a half, and maybe one of the only silver linings in this situation is that we’re realizing the difference between what we need in order to survive...